Right - have i been hibernating or something as i can not believe it is December already - i think I lost November somewhere. Maybe it is just the fact that the weather is now just a permanent grey from morning to night, the days all just blend into one another - apparently there is a big yellow ball which sits in the sky and keeps us warm but I reckon it's just a rumour cause i certainly haven't seen it here for a while!
As for stitching not a huge amount to report, got a few stitches done on my HAED queen of hearts but been pretty busy this week with one thing and another so progress is a bit slow. However did have a look at some WIP piccies of it on the HAED bulletin board and it is even more gorgeous looking than I thought it would be so that has spurred me on a bit . This week though I am back to the RR which i should hopefully get finished up and away as the post day is 10th December.
Got some backing fabric for christmas ornaments (see pic above)and ordered some faux leather to recover my dining room chairs as for some reason I thought cream chairs would be a good idea with two small children (duh!!). Have enlisted my friends help though as she is quite good with this sort of thing and I'm not..
best thing though this week was going to see Crowded House in Glasgow on Fri night. I've loved them for years so it was great seeing them again - but it was a bit odd as it was all seated and I like to have a good jump about at these things, eventually everyone did get up though - felt like I was at a school assembly to start with..they reckoned they would be back next year as well so will definitely get tickets for that...
Okay going to catch up with The West Wing and stitch on my rr - kids are happy playing (well for now at least!) so should get a bit of peace ..