Came across this a few weeks back and thought it quite informative. I like my information simple.
A - Age: 40
B - Bed size: Double
C - Chore you hate: Cleaning bathroom
D - Dog's name: no dog
E - Essential start of the day item: diet coke
F - Favorite color: i'm quite partial to pink
G - Gold or Silver: silver
H - Height: 5'3"
I - Instruments you play: None
J - Job: medical secretary for psychiatry
K - Kids: neve 11, joe 7
L - Living arrangements: mid terraced house with dh and aforementioned children, and Poppy the cat
M - Music you love: today - David Guetta, Adele, QOTSA, Chase&Status
N - Nicknames: none
O - Overnight hospital stay at hospital: Yes
P - Pet Peeve: eejit drivers
Q - Quote from a movie: no favourites
R - Right handed or left: Left
S - Siblings: 1 older brother and 1 older sister
T - Time you wake up: 7am
U - Underwear: definitely
V - Vegetable you dislike: haven't found one yet
W - Workout Style: the lying on the sofa, raising an arm periodically to use the remote, style
X - X-rays you've had: teeth, toe, ankle
Y - Yummy food you make: culinarly challenged, that's what supermarkets are for
Z - The best place to visit: anywhere with a pool, sunlounger, bar and kid's club will do
feel free to join in.
I love the ABC's Maureen and can agree with lots fo them :)