Oh no - i've gone into post-holiday blues....it's that rubbish time when you're back at work and thinking "this time last week I was sitting by the pool, at the beach blah blah blah..." not sitting at my work with a very rubbish summer outside.. it feels like maybe I was actually on holiday for six months and came back in November not July. Oh well, will just have to live off rations for the next few months and save up for next time.
Still the holiday was good, we were in a wee town called Cala en Porter on the island of Menorca - it's up on a cliff top with a big long set of steps down to the beach, needless to say we didn't go down too often, the climb back up was a killer! We stayed in the Siestamar Apts which were pretty spacious and on the ground floor, with a playpark for the kids right across the way - good pools as well as we're not swimmers so we could enjoy them without drowning - always a bonus I feel.. good kid's clubs as well so the children were well entertained, actually managed to read quite a bit, got the paper every morning and actually read it and finished "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hoosein, and started on "When Christ and his Saints Slept" by Sharon Penman.. the only downside to the holiday was the actual cost out and about, with the euro being so bad at the moment and prices rising it turned out pretty expensive, mostly for drinks (3-4 euros for a beer and 5 for a spirit and mixer) - okay if you don't drink but i do like the odd shandy or whatnot occasionally - okay change that to a few bacardis to start with!
Don't think i would rush back to Menorca though as most of the resorts are quite small and though lively enough, i prefer to stay somewhere with a bit of character and real life about it, I do occasionally like to get out and about for a walk but this was lacking ...
I actually did manage to do some stitching though, started on my square for my Fair and Square partner, I've nearly finished the first square and will hopefully get started on the second next week - will get a picture up once i have sent and it has been received.
will also get some piccies of the holiday up, that's a job for the weekend though...
thanks for commenting as well folks - always appreciated..